Florida Traffic School Directory

Explore our comprehensive Florida Traffic School Directory for reliable, licensed driving schools and traffic schools, all endorsed by the DMV and courts. Find the fastest online traffic school or the most thorough licensed driver education program to suit your needs.

Florida Traffic School Directory FAQs

All Your Questions About Florida Traffic Schools, Answered!

What is the Florida Traffic School Directory?
The Florida Traffic School Directory is a comprehensive online directory of traffic schools approved by the state of Florida. This directory is designed to help individuals find a reputable traffic school that meets their needs and requirements.
Who can take courses from the Florida Traffic School Directory?
Anyone who has received a traffic citation in the state of Florida can take courses from the Florida Traffic School Directory. This includes both residents and non-residents of Florida.
Are all traffic schools listed on the directory approved by the state?
Yes, all traffic schools listed on the Florida Traffic School Directory are approved by the state of Florida. It is important to note that this directory only includes traffic schools that have been approved by the state and meet specific criteria.
How do I know if a traffic school is accredited?
All traffic schools listed on the Florida Traffic School Directory are accredited by the state of Florida. This means that they have met all necessary requirements and have been deemed qualified to provide traffic courses.
Do I have to take a course from the same county where I received my citation?
No, you are not required to take a course from the same county where you received your citation. The Florida Traffic School Directory includes traffic schools from all counties in the state, giving individuals a wide range of options.
Can I take courses online through the Florida Traffic School Directory?
Yes, many of the traffic schools listed on the Florida Traffic School Directory offer online courses. This option allows individuals to complete their courses from the comfort of their own home or wherever they have internet access.
What types of courses are offered by traffic schools on the directory?
The Florida Traffic School Directory offers a variety of courses to meet different needs and requirements. Some common courses include basic driver improvement, drug and alcohol education, and aggressive driving courses.
How long do I have to complete a traffic course after receiving my citation?
The time limit for completing a traffic course varies depending on the citation and individual circumstances. It is important to check with your specific court or jurisdiction for their deadlines and requirements.
Will taking a traffic course remove points from my driving record?
Yes, successfully completing an approved traffic course can result in points being removed from your driving record. However, it is important to confirm with your specific court or jurisdiction as the amount of points removed may vary.
Can I take a traffic course if I have a commercial driver's license (CDL)?
Yes, there are traffic schools on the Florida Traffic School Directory that offer courses specifically designed for individuals with CDLs. It is important to select a course that is approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV).
Are traffic courses only for individuals who have received a citation?
No, traffic courses can also be taken voluntarily to improve driving skills, dismiss tickets or receive insurance discounts. Check with your insurance provider to see if they offer discounts for completing an approved course.

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